District Karak Documentary

District Karak Khyber Pakhtunkhwa:

District Karak Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

District Karak کرک is the district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan, And the part division Kohat. The land of Karak and living People in Karak are called khattakistan. There are three tehsils in district Karak. Geographically Karak has a border with Kohat, Bannu, Mian wali, and Hangu. Karak is popular for producing Oils and Gas. The people living in Karak all belong to sect (Sunni) and Khattak Tribe.

The grandfather of Karak was Khushal Khattak which was the most popular Pashto poet. Karak has a 100% literacy rate. In education, Karak is in 2nd position in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Not industrial and district financially Karak is not a good district but the people of Karak are very honest and hospitable. Not only people of khattakistan are hospitable but all the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is popular in hospitality. 


Administrative Partitions:

1) Karak Tehsil

2) Banda Daud shah Tehsil

3) Tehti Nasrati Tehsil.


Political Presence:

Karak has 2 seats of the provincial assembly and 1 seat of the National Assembly. The current MNA elected in the 2018 general elections was Shahid Khan Khattak



NA 34 Shahid khattak elected and 

Pk-85 Mian Nisar Gul , 

Pk-86 Malak zafar Azam khattak. 


Karak production:

Crude oil




And others


Karak University:


Karak has its own Kaushal khan Khattak university Karak (KKKUK) which is inaugurated in 2012 and one Postgraduate college and girls degree college. Karak is situated on the west side of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa between Kohat and Bannu. Karak 60 kilometers away from Kohat.


Total population of Karak:

According to census of 1998 total population counted was 431,000.


Karak Top Visiting Places:


Zebi dam:

The most famous place for outing clean water beautiful view of hills and enjoying nature. Zebi dam is situated on the main road of Karak To sabirabad. 



Sasalay is the site of the full hill of village palosa SAR Karak where people visit in a special event to enjoy green hills.


LawaGhar dam:

Local dam with beautiful view in lawaghar teht e Nasrati.


Sooky Sar:

The top of Karak or the head of khattakistan. Sooka sar is called the father of all hills in Karak. It is situated on the south side of Karak with the boundary of the Mianwali District.


Prong Ghar:

A horrible place like mine in the village of Dandi Edal Khail sabirabad. 



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