Khyber Pakhtunkhwa District Karak Famous Foods

 District Karak famous foods:

District Karak Famous Foods

Every city has one most important thing through that why it popular. Foods are the basic element of every city and country all over the world. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa people love foods. Karak and all Khyber Pakhtunkhwa are famous for their amazing and delicious foods. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa people are very hospitable in Pakistan. District Karak has some tasty foods which we listed below.

Best Foods Of Karak:

Janan paleo:

Janan paleo

Janan special pelao is most popular in karak and also all the Khyber pakhhtunkhawa. Janan pelao start 6 years ago in karak main bazar. Janan was the owner of that. Janan paleo is the combination of meat, quality of rice, and tasty masaly. People like the quality and sincerity of the management team. Price of Janan pelao per KG is 260 PKR.

Janan Pakorry:

Janan Pakorry is also the tasty food of Janan paleo's owner. Janan pakorry was the first product in the market from a few decades in Karak by Janan and his sons. Janan pakorry is very famous in Karak's other neighboring areas. 

Roshan Biryani:

Roshan biryani is the special type of biryani of Karak which is located on the main Indus highway kalwat stop. The quality of this biryani is amazing due to its tasty masaly. The cook of the biryani has a good experience of biryani. Roshan Birayni Price of 1 KG is 250 PKR.

Supeer Lobia:

Supeer Lobia

The famous and most eatable food of Karak is lobia and Chola which is highly famous in all the local areas of Karak. We can say that the district food of Karak is Lobia (Kawarha). In every part of Karak, it's available. Especially Supeer lobia is very famous in Karak. The owner of super kawarha is Safeer A1. Located on sabirabad Road Chandani chowk, Karak.

Khyber Bagh Karahi:

Khyber Bagh Karahi

Karak have many top levels of hotels and restaurants but Khyber bagh is the one of taste provider in all of the restaurants. Dhomba karahi and chicken karahi are special of Khyber bagh which can ready for special order. Khyber Bagh is located on the main Indus Highway near Tablighi Markaz Karak.

University Icecream:

The university ice cream is top quality of food of Karak is like by Khattak people over there. Quality provider at a low price. Located opposite of Kaushal khan Khattak university Karak.

Naveed Cold Drinks:

Naveed cold drink is the killer of hot summers. The special type of quality juices maker in the city. Naveed cold drinks make different flavors of juices like Mangoes shakes, Banana Shaks, and many foreigner flavors. Located in the main city of Karak.

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